The configuration elements are described in the Reference Guide section.Codehaus Cargo > Features > Extensions > Maven 3 PluginĪ Maven 3 plugin that wraps the Cargo Java API. Get help (list of available goals, available options, etc.).
#Tomcat 8 maven plugin install#
Note: If the plugin configuration requires so, the cargo:start and cargo:run goals automatically install the container but will not call cargo:install.
Installs a container distribution, either downloaded using a URL or defined as a Maven artifact, on the file system. If the deployable was not deployed before calling cargo:deployer-redeploy (or its alias cargo:redeploy) it will simply be deployed. Stop a deployed deployable without undeploying it.Ĭargo:deployer-redeploy (aliased to cargo:redeploy) Start a deployable already installed in a running container. Undeploy a deployable from a running container. Note: The cargo:start and cargo:run do already deploy the deployables specified in the configuration to the container as a result calling cargo:deploy for a container which has been started by Codehaus Cargo in the same Maven project will most likely cause a second deployment of the same deployables (and might even fail).Ĭargo:deployer-undeploy (aliased to cargo:undeploy) Read more on: Cargo DaemonĬargo:deployer-deploy (aliased to cargo:deploy)ĭeploy a deployable to a running container. This also implies that in the case the new container fails to start, the old one will not be restarted. Note: The daemon:start goal is actually equivalent to a restart in Codehaus Cargo's terms in the case a container with the same already exists then it will be stopped first before your container is started. Note: If the plugin configuration requires so, the cargo:start goal automatically installs the container. If the container was not running before calling cargo:restart, it will simply be started.Ĭreate the configuration for a local container, without starting it.
#Tomcat 8 maven plugin manual#
If you want to start a container and perform manual testing, see our next goal cargo:run. Note: A container that's started with cargo:start will automatically shut down as soon as the parent Maven instance quits (i.e., you see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL or BUILD FAILED message).
If the plugin configuration requires so, installs the container.Here are the different goals available to call on this plugin: