Tomcat 8 maven plugin
Tomcat 8 maven plugin

tomcat 8 maven plugin
  1. #Tomcat 8 maven plugin install#
  2. #Tomcat 8 maven plugin manual#

The configuration elements are described in the Reference Guide section.Codehaus Cargo > Features > Extensions > Maven 3 PluginĪ Maven 3 plugin that wraps the Cargo Java API. Get help (list of available goals, available options, etc.).

#Tomcat 8 maven plugin install#

Note: If the plugin configuration requires so, the cargo:start and cargo:run goals automatically install the container but will not call cargo:install.

tomcat 8 maven plugin

Installs a container distribution, either downloaded using a URL or defined as a Maven artifact, on the file system. If the deployable was not deployed before calling cargo:deployer-redeploy (or its alias cargo:redeploy) it will simply be deployed. Stop a deployed deployable without undeploying it.Ĭargo:deployer-redeploy (aliased to cargo:redeploy) Start a deployable already installed in a running container. Undeploy a deployable from a running container. Note: The cargo:start and cargo:run do already deploy the deployables specified in the configuration to the container as a result calling cargo:deploy for a container which has been started by Codehaus Cargo in the same Maven project will most likely cause a second deployment of the same deployables (and might even fail).Ĭargo:deployer-undeploy (aliased to cargo:undeploy) Read more on: Cargo DaemonĬargo:deployer-deploy (aliased to cargo:deploy)ĭeploy a deployable to a running container. This also implies that in the case the new container fails to start, the old one will not be restarted. Note: The daemon:start goal is actually equivalent to a restart in Codehaus Cargo's terms in the case a container with the same already exists then it will be stopped first before your container is started. Note: If the plugin configuration requires so, the cargo:start goal automatically installs the container. If the container was not running before calling cargo:restart, it will simply be started.Ĭreate the configuration for a local container, without starting it.

  • And, of course, start the container and wait for the user to press CTRL + C to stop.
  • If the plugin configuration contains no deployables but the project's packaging is J2EE, Java EE or Jakarta EE (WAR, EAR, etc.), it will deploy the project's deployable to to the container automatically.
  • Start a container and wait for the user to press CTRL + C to stop.

    #Tomcat 8 maven plugin manual#

    If you want to start a container and perform manual testing, see our next goal cargo:run. Note: A container that's started with cargo:start will automatically shut down as soon as the parent Maven instance quits (i.e., you see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL or BUILD FAILED message).

  • If the plugin configuration contains no deployables but the project's packaging is J2EE, Java EE or Jakarta EE (WAR, EAR, etc.), it will deploy the project's deployable to to the container automatically.
  • If the plugin configuration contains one or more deployables, it will deploy these to the container automatically.
  • If the plugin configuration defines a container with a standalone local configuration, it will create the configuration.
  • tomcat 8 maven plugin

    If the plugin configuration requires so, installs the container.Here are the different goals available to call on this plugin:

    tomcat 8 maven plugin

  • Generating a container configuration deployment structure.
  • In addition here are the typical uses cases covered by the plugin: For more details, read here: Maven 3 Archetypes. We have several Maven 3 Archetypes that contain sample Maven 3 projects with different use cases for the Codehaus Cargo Maven 3 plugin, we would really recommend that you check them out. Like it? Well, keep on reading, then! More examplesĪs usual the best way to learn to use a tool is through examples. Mvn clean verify :cargo-maven3-plugin:runĬodehaus Cargo's main advantage is that the commands and configuration remains the same for any version of any supported container - be it Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss, JOnAS, GlassFish, WebLogic, WildFly, etc. Codehaus Cargo > Features > Extensions > Maven 3 Plugin > Maven 3 Plugin Getting StartedĬodehaus Cargo can be directly run on any existing Maven J2EE, Java EE or Jakarta EE project (WAR, EAR or other) by running:

    Tomcat 8 maven plugin